Seán Bruen

Weather enthusiast and photographer

My Passion & Story

I am a big weather enthusiast and photographer. My interest in photography delves from my obsession of weather where a photograph is a very valuable tool in seeing how the weather impacted the nation and can be a return ticket to the event. There is only so much a hard statistic or a couple of words can tell you about a past event. It is for this reason why I got into photography and wanted to document the events myself on the rare occasion a benign climate like Ireland does get them.

In my free time when not researching, I can be found strolling on the beach or flying my drone with my favourite places tending to be Sutton, Howth and Portmarnock. My favourite time of day to capture is sunrise when it’s quiet and there’s little people around to disturb him in action.

My Work

When I attended college during lockdown, I had to do a photography project on a subject of my choice. My first idea was to capture Christmas in Dublin as it would be unlikely we would ever see a Christmas season like 2020 ever again with the world on lockdown. I got permission to be able to go into Dublin City and some other locations to capture the winter lights, Christmas decorations and soulless Dublin streets. It was way out of my comfort zone and was not a project I had taken on before. Fortunately, the project went smoothly and it turned out the way I had hoped apart from the disappointment of lack of snow which would have added a bit of festivity to some of the photographs making them extra special and unique.